International Forum on Regional Centres of Expertise on ESD| August 15–18, 2007 | Beijing,China



International Forum on RCE Schedule (Tentative)

[ Tuesday, 14 th August ,2007]


[ Wednesday, 15th August ]

09: 0 0-10: 3 0 Opening Remarks

Representative of Ministry of Education

Representative of UNU-IAS

Representative of Local Government

10: 3 0-1 2 :00 Keynote Speeches

Prof. Hans van Ginkel, Rector of UNU( to be identified)

Prof.Charles Hopkins

Prof.Wang Min

Representative from IGU-CGE

12:00-13:30 Lunch


Keynote Speeches

Reprsentatives from Gorge-Eckert Institute(Germany)

Representative from The Alfred Toepfer Academy for Nature Conservation (NNA)

Dr.Rosalyn McKeown

15:30-16:00 Coffee Break

16 :00-17:30

Reports by the representatives of RCEs and Discussions on

- Success factors for effectively establishing RCEs

- Exchange of information and experiences among RCEs

- Cooperation between RCEs

18:30- Reception

[ Thursday , 1 6 August ]

09:00- 15 :30 Discussion on ( group by group)

- Mainstreaming ESD into existing curricula (hosted by Prof.Dietor Boehn & Roderich Henry)

- Teacher training & Training for senior education managers and administrators (Hosted by Prof. Charles Hopkins & Dr. Rosalyn McKeown)

- Higher education for sustainable development(hosted by Dr.Margaret Robertson & Prof.Wang Min)

- Challeges and further Development of RCEs(Prof. Katsunori Suzuki)

- Sustainable tourism (sustainable innovation) (hosted by Ms.Wei,Dongying)

- Evaluation of ESD and RCE( to be indentified)

15:30-16:00 Coffee Break

16:00-17:30 Concluding Session

Conclusions/Recommendations on the activities and cooperation toward further promotion of RCEs

17:30 Closing of the Meeting

[Friday, 17 August]

9:00 -12:00 visit the school in Beijing

12:00-13:00 lunch

13:00-17:00 visit ecological garden or school

18:00 Dinner

[Saturday, 18 August]

Tour: Visit Ming Tombs and the Great Wall

Regional Center of Expertise on ESD in Beijing| |