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第一届全国中学生地理奥赛  >> 概况  组委会  获奖名单  ENGLISH INTRODUCTION 试题

Report on the First National Geography Olympiad
For Middle School Students in China





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  First National Geography Olympiad for Middle School Students in China was held in Guangzhou from 20th to 22nd January, 2006. 20 teams (80 middle school students under 18 years old and 25 geography teachers) from 20 middle schools nationwide participated in the competition. The competition drew on the experience of the international geography Olympiad and the national Olympiads in other subjects and was a great success.

  The competition has five parts, the first is the written test, the second is quiz, the third is comprehensive analysis questions, the fourth is experimental simulation, and the fifth is the English questions and need to answer in English.

  The organizers are the Geographical Society of China and College of Geography of Beijing Normal University. Prof. Wang Min, the Executive member of Geographical Education Commission of International Geographical Union (IGU) from college of Geography, Beijing Normal University took charge of the provision of the questions and the evaluation of the competition.

  The first class awards were issued to the teams from Keqiao Middle School in Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province, Shandong Experimental Middle School in Shandong Province and the First High School Attached to Central China Normal University in Hubei Province. One of them will represent China to participate in the 6th International Geography Olympiad that will be held in Brisbane, 2006.

  The results of this Olympiad provides a solid basis for others to build on in the years to come, and the organizers will continue the National Geography Olympiad on a biannual basis.

Wang Min
Professor, College of Geography, Beijing Normal University,
Secretary-General, Working Committee of Education of the Geographical Society of China (GSC)
Executive Member, Geographical Education Commission of International Geographical Union (IGU),one of organizers of First National Geography Olympiad for Middle School Students in China

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